home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # verify and optionally save out the file
- set -e
- ASV_TIMEOUT="${ASV_TIMEOUT:--o Acquire::http::Timeout=10}"
- NL="
- "
- file=""
- while [ "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- --invalid)
- NOTEST=1 ;;
- --from)
- shift
- --to)
- shift
- *)
- if [ -z "$file" ]; then
- file="$1"
- else
- saveto="$1"
- fi ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- if [ "$PROGRESS_FROM" ] && [ "$PROGRESS_TO" ] && \
- else
- DAP_OPTS="--no-progress"
- fi
- logoutput=""
- if [ "$CATCHLOG" ]; then
- logoutput="log-output -t apt-setup"
- fi
- chroot=
- intarget=
- if [ "$ROOT" ]; then
- chroot=chroot
- intarget=in-target
- fi
- saveline () {
- if [ "$saveto" ]; then
- echo "$*" >> $saveto
- fi
- }
- # Cancellation may still have reliability problems:
- # - application does not seem to always react to a cancel signal?
- # - debconf-apt-progress sometimes fails to exit with code 30 when cancelled?
- # See also thread http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2008/01/msg00094.html
- valid () {
- local line="$1"
- local dap_opts="$2"
- [ "${line%%:*}" != "deb cdrom" ] || return 0
- # Ubuntu change: network sources are always valid; apt will cope
- # gracefully later, even though the network may not be available
- # now.
- return 0
- tmp=$($chroot $ROOT tempfile)
- echo "$line" > $ROOT$tmp
- code=0
- $logoutput $intarget debconf-apt-progress --logstderr $dap_opts -- \
- apt-get -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=false \
- -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=$tmp $ASV_TIMEOUT update || code=$?
- if [ $code -eq 30 ]; then
- exit 30 # canceled
- elif [ $code -eq 0 ]; then
- rm -f $ROOT$tmp
- else
- rm -f $ROOT$tmp
- false
- fi
- }
- # Ubuntu change: need to run apt-get update for everything in one go here,
- # since we've disabled the run in the valid function above. Doing everything
- # in one go also allows apt-get to cache resolver failures and connection
- # timeouts and so be significantly faster when the network is unavailable.
- tmp=$($chroot $ROOT tempfile)
- cat "$file" > $ROOT$tmp
- if [ "$PROGRESS" ]; then
- DAP_OPTS="--dlwaypoint 100 --from $PROGRESS_FROM --to $PROGRESS_TO"
- fi
- $logoutput $intarget debconf-apt-progress --logstderr $DAP_OPTS -- \
- apt-get -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=false \
- -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=$tmp $ASV_TIMEOUT update || true
- rm -f $ROOT$tmp
- if [ "$PROGRESS" ]; then
- tot_items=$(grep -Ev "^(#.*|)[[:space:]]*$" $file | wc -l)
- fi
- items=0
- gooditems=0
- IFS="$NL"
- # Can't just iterate over $(cat $file) because that kills newlines, so
- # introduce a dummy colon.
- for line in $(sed 's/^/:/' $file); do
- line="${line#:}"
- if echo "$line" | grep -Evq "^(#.*|)[[:space:]]*$"; then
- items=$(expr $items + 1)
- # Write blank line between generators
- if [ $items = 1 ] && [ -f "$saveto" ]; then
- saveline ""
- fi
- if [ "$PROGRESS" ]; then
- [ $items -eq 1 ] || p_from=$p_to
- p_to=$(expr $PROGRESS_FROM + \
- $items / $tot_items)
- DAP_OPTS="--dlwaypoint 100 --from $p_from --to $p_to"
- fi
- if [ -z "$NOTEST" ] && valid "$line" "$DAP_OPTS"; then
- gooditems=$(expr $gooditems + 1)
- saveline "$line"
- else
- saveline "# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:"
- saveline "#$line"
- fi
- else
- # Ignore leading empty lines
- if [ $items -ne 0 ] || [ "$line" ]; then
- saveline "$line"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ $gooditems -ne $items ]; then
- exit 1
- fi